Se caută arborele european 2020 cu cea mai interesantă poveste! În competiția de anul acesta este și un arbore românesc – bradul multisecular paznicul Cibinului. Bradul poate câștiga competiția organizată de Environmental Partnership Association (EPA) dacă va aduna cel mai mare...
Layout A (with pagination)
Până pe 31 martie 2020, Felder Gruppe România are promoție la scule și consumabile din gama Festool. Reducerile sunt de până la 40% la scule sau oferte 1+1 gratis la consumabile. Pentru a face cea mai bună alegere, consultanții Felder Gruppe îți stau la dispoziție pentru informații de...
"The CNC was my dream when I was working in Pipera" - that's how Aurel Ivan from Bella Design started his story when I asked him about the recently acquired Lohmeyer CNC. He is very excited about it and seems to have finally realized his dream. He has always worked...
On one of my visits I met a custom furniture manufacturer who had recently purchased design software. He told me that if someone had told him a year ago that he would pay almost as much for a program as he would for a machine, he would have thought he was crazy. Now he can't imagine the day job...
Wooden houses have become a regular feature in magazines. Interest in timber construction is high and many questions arise about the construction method, durability, energy efficiency or behavior in difficult or even extreme conditions. There is a fear that a house on...