Although more and more people are learning about modern wood construction techniques, industrial timber and timber frame houses, there are still some of the more unsuspecting or less informed who believe that these houses are cheap improvisations made of wooden planks, without any...
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Any wooden structure exposed to the outdoors needs protection from the elements and solar radiation. If not well protected, wood can be attacked over time by molds, fungi and insects and eventually rot. Windows and shutters are such structures...
Whatever its size, a joinery workshop needs a range of tools and machinery to do the work. Wood or derived panels need to be cut, straightened, sanded, milled or drilled. Each operation requires a specific tool, but there are also machines...
There are materials used in woodworking and wood finishing that I have known for decades and because I am so familiar with them I feel like everyone knows them. This was also the case with steel wool, which I have mentioned a few times in articles without further explanation. The days...
Watch this interview to learn more about cutting wood to order with a mobile bandsaw. Keith Threadgall is a wood cutter from Scotland. He has been operating a Wood-Mizer saw since 1999, first as...