In every workshop or factory where wood is used, large amounts of waste are accumulated. Wood dust, sawdust and pieces of wood that are too small to be used take up more and more space, reducing the amount of space available for work. In addition to the lack of space, there is also a...
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Surfaces of wood or derived materials (MDF, veneered chipboard) must be resistant, both mechanically and chemically. The safest way to achieve such resistance is to use wood varnishes and paints. There are plenty of such products, both solvent-based and solvent-based.
The two months of solitary confinement at home have made many think about the benefits of a house with a yard. That piece of land around the house, however small, has been a blessing during this time for those who have had it. I have friends who have decided to give up their months...
What do a play tower, two Wood IQ CNCs and €500,000 turned down at the Lion Empire have in common?
The birth of his daughter prompted him to think of ways of spending time that would educate and harmoniously develop the child. The play tower was born. It was well received and appreciated, which led to the development of a concept and transformation into a business. And so Leea Toys was born. But...
The other day a friend of mine who produces furniture with painted MDF fronts called me to ask me how much paint consumption should be per 1 m² of MDF primed. From her voice I realized that something was not right. I knew that the application is done by spraying, with an ordinary cup gun. I...