Lime is not a spectacular wood like elm or acacia, but it is unfair to ignore it. It is the same as neglecting the well-behaved and obedient child and paying more attention to the intelligent but naughty one. Because lime is a problem-free wood that dries...
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When building an interior staircase, even if you start from the same measurement data, design, safety or ease of access are all part of the equation, and can radically change the final result. By using a staircase design service, you...
Shingle roofing is part of a universal heritage, along with thatched roofing. It is found on old houses in Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Finland, England, but also in Canada and the USA. Where wood was not hard to find, skilled craftsmen have found...
Kitchen choppers, spoons, bowls, juicers - there isn't a house without one of these wooden kitchen gadgets. Many of them are unprotected, uncovered, as they were used in the past. The wooden spoons and ladles, the butter beater and the bread cup...
Wood-Mizer deține o gamă completă de soluții de retăiere, disponibilă atât pentru aplicații la nivel de bază, cât și industrial. Valoarea lemnului recuperat din lătunoaie reprezintă adeseori diferența dintre profit și pierdere. Acest aspect devine cu atât mai important în domeniul...