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Wood-Mizer MP160 planer and straightener
Machines and Tools

Wood-Mizer's MP160 Thickness Leveler and Planer - a new 2-in-1 machine for furniture manufacturers and other woodworking shops

Wood-Mizer a lansat mașina de îndreptat și rindeluit MP160, un echipament nou 2-în-1 pentru producerea scândurilor drepte și rectangulare, perfect dimensionate. Eficientă și compactă, mașina MP160 transformă cheresteaua proaspăt tăiată în scânduri perfect finisate. Mașina MP160 are un...

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MDI Wood Ideas
Business - Furniture Production Machinery

He opened his own avant-garde furniture workshop through Start-Up Nation 2017. How he succeeded and what Iulian Apostol advises future entrepreneurs in the furniture industry (INTERVIEW)

Iulian Apostol, MDI Wood Ideas: The hardest was the waiting. Hopes and expectations are high, mixed with the fear and uncertainty of the unknown. It is very important to choose your partners carefully Iulian Apostol, a young man with vision from Bucharest, has stepped into the...

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