The most commonly used adhesives for bonding wood are polyvinyl acetate-based adhesives, which many people call aracet (I'll tell you where the name comes from). They bond so well with wood that they are often referred to as wood adhesives without specifying the type. They are...
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ICA's Regeneration and Cleaning Set contains two products, one to clean the dirt that has built up over time and the other to refresh the finish by applying a thin coat of varnish. These operations are very useful to ensure that the winter passes smoothly for windows, but also...
A whitewashed finish, or whitewash, as it's already known, uses white not to cover the wood but to enhance it even more. Lately there seems to be a craze for this finish, with it being chosen for furniture as well as flooring and wood cladding...
Produsul zilei de astăzi, 23 Octombrie 2018, în magazinul Iscusit este fierăstrăul pendular BST 18X-0 AEG. Spre deosebire de STEP 100 X, acest fierastrau pendular nu are fir, fiind cu baterie Li-ion. Fierăstrăul pendular AEG de 18V oferă performanțe maxime de putere și de tăiere...
Furniruirea manuala este un mod prin care poate fi reparată o piesă de mobilier sau poate fi crescută valoarea uneia făcută din panouri derivate din lemn sau chiar din lemn, dar dintr-o specie mai puțin valoroasă. Subiectul a venit tot de la voi, cei interesați de temele prezentate în...