Produsul zilei de astăzi, 17 Octombrie 2018, în magazinul Iscusit, este un pistol pneumatic pentru cuie de la AEG. Pistolul B18N18-0 folosește tehnologia Vaccum Drive care oferă confort fără fir, eliminând necesitatea unui compresor zgomotos, a unui furtun de aer voluminos sau a unor...
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Continuăm seria de prezentări de case de lemn cu o construcție despre care Vlad Liteanu, de la Litarh, spune că este o adevărată casă școală. Modul în care s-a făcut izolarea, materialele folosite, realizarea traseelor, ventilația cu recuperare de căldură, sistemul de încălzire folosit...
At first glance, it may be hard to believe that the furniture in the picture is transformed from an old coffee table. A transformation that you can do yourself. In the September 2018 issue of Wood Magazine, we show you step by step the transformation of this coffee table, abandoned because the gloss was too...
Kreidezeit Natural Interior Wood Wax is a natural product made from beeswax and linseed oil, for treating interior wood in white or wood treated with natural oils. Being entirely natural it is very suitable for finishing...
Today's product of the day, October 12, 2018, in the Inscusit store, is the OF2050E Milling Machine from AEG. It's a handheld electric power tool with a powerful 2050 Watt motor, electronic speed control and side handles for great control while working. It comes with...