The Skillful Shop - for the experts Over the years, we have received countless requests like "Tell me where to buy!" and felt there was a need for a store with professional products, with brands that are commonly used in the Woodworking Industry. A...
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At BIFE SIM 2018, Wood-Mizer will be showcasing the new LT70 WIDE saw with a wider cutting head that cuts larger logs, produces wider boards and uses 50 mm wide boards. Watch this video to get a first impression of the new...
Dowel joints are the most common joint used in the construction of wooden or derived timber panel furniture. In the past it was more common, gradually replaced by screws and modern fastening systems. However, it is used by DIY enthusiasts as well as by manufacturers of...
Felder Gruppe Romania is coming to BIFE-SIM 2018 ready to address all manufacturers in the field of woodworking and derived boards, from small and medium-sized workshops and companies to very large ones. Compared to last year, the total area on which the...
Când vă hotărâți să cumpărați un circular cu masă gândiți-vă la cea mai bună variantă pe care v-o puteți permite și care se potrivește cel mai bine activității voastre. Este un utilaj cu care urmează să tăiați cherestea sau panouri derivate din lemn și de cât de exacte sunt aceste tăieri...