Since 1982, Wood-Mizer has produced more than 75,000 saws operating in 130 countries. Wood-Mizer's three manufacturing centers are located in the USA, Sweden and Poland. An extensive distributor network covers 5 continents and serves sawmill owners from...
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The most widely used method of applying stains, varnishes and paints is spraying. Whether in workshops or factories with complex finishing lines, in order to reach the wood and form the film, the material passes through one or more spray guns. From...
A friend asked me to help him remodel his attic. He wanted to use the old furniture for the decoration, insisting that it was inherited from his parents and of great value. I realized pretty quickly that the furniture was from the 1975-1980 period, oak veneered particleboard with carved appliques...
Start-up Nation is a program that encourages and stimulates the creation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The first edition was in 2017 when almost 20,000 applications were submitted, 10,000 were accepted and over 8,500 were approved. This year the interest in...
Principala problemă cu care se confruntă acum antreprenorii este lipsa forței de muncă, iar cei din industria lemnului nu fac excepție. O soluție a acestei probleme poate fi tehnologizarea și retehnologizarea. Oferta este mare existând mașini din ce în ce mai performante pentru aproape...