In general, there are two types of people who work with wood: those who enjoy the actual creative process (here I'm referring to the satisfaction of making a dovetail joint, or straightening a wooden plank using a hand plane) and those who enjoy...
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Ciprian Dumitru, manager of ABC Building, Sibiu, has had a full and interesting life. He has gone from the accounting olympiad to theology, from bank manager to selling mattresses, from two lions to a turnover of four million euros. He told us about...
There is a growing interest in DIY projects related to furniture pieces. Whether it's restoring/refurbishing older pieces of furniture, using reclaimed wood or making new pieces of furniture, finishing materials are being used for all of them...
Parquet stripping is a fairly complex operation and is best done by specialists or people who are not on their first project of this kind. It involves a lot of knowledge about sanding solid wood, ways of repairing defects in the wood, as well as...
Much of the furniture we have at home is veneered. Veneered furniture is more vulnerable than solid wood when it comes to moisture resistance. And if the furniture is also old then it's even less resistant because the adhesives used in the past didn't have the...