BIFE SIM 2017 is over and it's time for impressions. I was very impressed by those who came to the fair especially to meet us. Impressed and charged with the positive energy I received, I thought it would be more useful to share some impressions after the fair, to go back to...
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Wooden furniture attracts. It is often the main option for buyers who want to have quality furniture in their home. We know that pieces of wooden furniture are durable, look spectacular, are easy to maintain, what is less well known is how...
I talked about the symbols inlaid in wood when I told you about the church in Leleasca. And about the wood that accompanies the life of country people when I shared with you my childhood memories from my "country" in Moldoveni, a village, where I spent all my childhood...
In my desire to tell you the most interesting things I sometimes skip the simple but essential ones. The other day, a lady asked me to help her clean out her grandmother's old dowry box, which she wanted to restore. I've said a few things on the subject, but I've never treated it as...
The kitchen, a special space When we think of the most important place in our home, we're sure to choose the kitchen, for a number of considerable reasons. Apart from being the meeting place for the whole family, the kitchen is where we start our day...