The spaces in which we live are not always very generous and the need for basic pieces of furniture - bed, table, chairs, desk, wardrobe - make everything feel even more cramped. This makes us feel uncomfortable, because it's the feeling of wellbeing that wide and spacious spaces...
Layout A (with pagination)
Unlike brush or trowel application, spraying allows a larger and more uniform amount of material to be deposited on the wood surface. Despite these advantages, there is one disadvantage that stops many people from using this method of application. It...
I get all sorts of enquiries about refinishing old pieces of furniture. There are people who want to transform older pieces and put the wood to its best use. After removing varnish or paint by various methods (paint stripper, thinner, sanding...
Fierăstraiele-panglică Wood-Mizer pot fi utile nu numai în afacerile de debitare a lemnului. Oamenii creează o mulțime de proiecte interesante din lemn, pe care îl taie singuri la fierăstraie-panglică Wood-Mizer. De exemplu, Jeremy Harper. Acesta este un bărbat care este obișnuit să...
La LIGNA 2017, Wood-Mizer a lansat un echipament nou de mare volum pentru debitarea lemnului – denumit Wood-Mizer TITAN – plus o serie nouă LX de fierăstraie-panglică profesionale. Vizitatorii veniți la standul exterior al Wood-Mizer de la LIGNA 2017 au văzut pe lângă acest...