I declared my passion some time ago, guilty as I said then, for decorative baskets, whether wicker, wicker, twine or panelling. And I find the combination of wooden furniture and these baskets really special. The baskets literally and figuratively reduce the weight of the furniture, making the final look much softer.
Any wood species is suitable for chimneys. Serious' woods such as oak or nuc, they seem to become easier to wear and place in the house. Replacing part of the drawers of a chest of drawers with baskets takes it out of the mundane, out of the ordinary, while still retaining its storage possibilities.
A dark, old-looking piece of furniture is brightened up by having some of the drawers replaced with decorative baskets. The play of the tiles, the possibilities of colouring them lighter or decorating them with other materials, of personalising them, will "open up" the furniture, make it more friendly.
There are some styles in furniture that go very well with baskets. For example shabby chic seems made especially for them. Finish distress or washed, light, pastel colours go very well with the natural colour of the pile, twine or wicker. Baskets can be lined with natural linen or hemp and decorated with lace.
Furniture with baskets instead of drawers is perfect for the bathroom or kitchen. I saw at one time in a hotel such a furniture and I took the model. It gives you the feeling that you can organize your bathroom much better by putting things in baskets than you would by putting them in drawers.
In the kitchen, cupboards that have baskets instead of drawers allow you to store vegetables in them. The baskets allow air to circulate and let vegetables 'breathe' freely.
As a DIY project, replacing drawers with baskets seems like the perfect project. If you have a dresser, an older nightstand, or other drawer furniture that you want to swap out, I think this is the best solution. And if you're thinking to change the color you got yourself a new piece of furniture.
The important thing is to have a base for the drawers, not just the rails they sit on. If it's just the rails you need to find matching baskets and that's a bit more complicated. When there is a base you can put several baskets of different sizes. You get a much more interesting look.
Replacing the drawers with baskets seems like a great idea and I'm already thinking about an old dresser that's lying in the attic. I promise to show you what came out (that is, if the result is worth making public 😉 ).
I like pimples too, they give a touch of youth and are much more comfortable.