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Refurbishing the garden table

Am un prieten care de câțiva ani locuiește în Anglia împreună cu familia. Este o persoană foarte talentată care, pe lângă afacerea de succes cu prăjituri de casă de care se ocupă permanent, are și o veche pasiune pentru lemn și bricolaj. Zilele trecute mi-a trimis fotografii cu ultima...

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Urban spaces for children

They look dangerous, but they are fascinating, unique, fun and above all safe. With a background in art and design, Monstrum, a Copenhagen-based company, designs and realizes themed playgrounds for children according to Danish standards. Standards that allow them to be a little...

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Transparent kindergarten

In Guastalla, Regio Calabria, Italy, there's an interesting little kindergarten. It was built on the ruins of two schools destroyed by the 2012 earthquake, designed by Mario Cucinella Architects (MCA). The transparent kindergarten is a naive reproduction of the...

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