The little wooden cottage in Cornwall, England, lives up to its name. The Edge, as it's called, sits on a rocky bank and has an extraordinary view of the Atlantic Ocean. Basically, it's like a nest nestled in the high bank, with panoramic ocean views. O...
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Sweden is the one country in Europe that can be said to be strongly connected to wood and the wood industry. It is covered by 57% of forest (over 2.6 billion trees) and is one of the world's largest exporters of timber and paper. No wonder researchers from...
Bamboo furniture has an exotic look that many people love. Bamboo furniture can be both indoor and outdoor. As well as aesthetics, bamboo has many other qualities that make bamboo a very good choice. The properties of bamboo Bamboo is a...
It is not always possible to make furniture from a single piece of solid wood. Especially if the furniture is larger. The solution can come in the form of panels made from jointed solid wood, called solid carpet. These are narrow strips of wood that are joined together in both the...
Știați că există lemn care este de fapt piatră? Acest lemn pietrificat este un tip special de rămășițe fosilizate de vegetație terestră. Procesul de fosilizare are loc în subteran, unde lemnul este acoperit de sedimente sau de cenușă vulcanică. Descompunerea aeroba este astfel împiedicată...