Antiquing or antiquing wood is my favorite subject in the finishing field. Antiquing is the generic term used to describe the entire finishing process applied to wooden furniture or objects to make them look old. The advantage of this type of finishing is that...
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Mood for Wood is a brand of a design studio in Warsaw, Poland. Under this brand they produce wooden suckers on which various geometric figures, animals or other cute images are laser engraved. The designs for the wood engravings are...
You will see one of the simplest things that can be made from wood. It is simply a project made from just a few pieces of wood and strips of leather. It's a wooden version of one of the most popular children's toys and much more suitable than any other....
The rustic interior is characterized by simplicity and warmth. It is often preferred because every characteristic element - furniture, beams, floorboards - is both functional and decorative. Everything is connected, round, there are no stars among the elements...
Termenul de fondo-finitura este importat din Italia. Este format din cuvântul fondo, care înseamnă grund și finitura, care înseamnă lac. Deci, în traducere, grund-lac. Termenul românesc pentru un astfel de produs este lac universal, dar așa de bine a prins varianta italiană, că de lac...