Catedrala Evanghelică din Sibiu a trecut printr-un proces de renovare care a început în 2017, iar în octombrie 2021 a fost redeschisă pentru public. Renovarea a fost făcută cu multă grijă, respectând stilul gotic al monumentului. Refacerea ferestrelor cu vitralii de la cel mai înalt nivel...
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We visited the largest manufacturer of wooden chairs in Europe. No, we didn't leave the country, just to Sighetu Marmației, where Plimob is based. The company from Maramure is not only one of the world's largest chair manufacturers, but also the largest supplier...
Pitting in the varnish or paint film sometimes occurs as a result of spraying finishing materials onto wood or MDF boards. The cause can be air in the pores of the wood or inside the MDF board, drying too quickly with solvent trapping in the film, spraying...
White willow is not a suitable wood for furniture because it is difficult to machine. However, over the years there have been attempts to use it in this area as well, some of them with relative success. Many years ago, my research topic was the introduction of...
Coloring wood with ammonium vapor was discovered by accident in England centuries ago. Oak planks stored in a horse stable turned a dark brown color over time. They suspected that the strong-smelling substance in the animals' urine was...