On Saturday, October 29, 2022, the Wood-Mizer Customer Day took place in Sibiu. The meeting held at the Redal exhibition center resumed a tradition interrupted in 2019 and celebrated 14 years of Wood-Mizer in Romania. As we anticipated when we recommended you to attend...
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The high temperatures of late fall days can be deceiving. We become relaxed and forget to pay proper attention to temperature-sensitive materials. Unlike in summer, when high temperatures last for a good part of the day, fall is just 2...
We almost automatically associate the Christmas tree with the winter holidays. Whether we're decorating a plastic copy or a resinous species brought in from northern European farms, the question is always: Have you decorated the tree? It's only natural, because the first tree decorated for Christmas was a...
After Bucharest, Brasov and Iasi, it is Cluj Cluj's turn to host the nZEB Roadshow. The event dedicated to energy efficient buildings is organized by the pRO-nZEB Cluster in partnership with the șoflete.ro team and will take place from 3 to 6 November at the...
Watch the detailed video presentation of Wood-Mizer's industrial cutting line used by the Polish company A&M Trak Michał Nowakowski. The video is presented by Adam Kubiak, Wood-Mizer's industrial equipment sales manager, in cooperation with the company's employees...