Renașterea se identifică cu operele artistice unice ale lui Michelangelo și deschiderea spre știință a lui Leonardo da Vinci. Sunt două repere care furnizează imaginea completă a perioadei. În ciuda susținerii puternice pe care artiștii au primit-o de la biserică, perioada este una de...
Layout A (with pagination)
Hand turning is a special field in woodworking, somewhere between a craft and an art. It takes training, the right tools, passion and many hours working with different species and sizes of wood to become a specialist. But the discovery is permanent...
The house by the lake was designed to be a passive house, which means it is very energy efficient. No more than 15 kWh/m² per year, as required by the passive house standard, is needed to maintain it. This means very good thermal insulation and a reduction in...
Tisa is one of the most interesting species. It belongs to the resinous category, but it does not secrete resin and the fruits are not cones. The wood has a density similar to hard deciduous species (oak), is elastic and resistant to decay and insect attack. The bark and...
From February 2022, Sanitop, owner of the WoodMatic brand, will become the sole distributor of KDT Machinery, after only two years of presence on the Romanian furniture machinery market. The well-known Asian manufacturer, with production and research capabilities in Europe and Asia, owns...