Wood-Mizer cutting systems combine multiple cutting machines into one system to produce lumber in a more controlled and efficient way. These systems are designed and customized for each individual customer and their specific requirements. They can vary...
Layout A (with pagination)
In compliance with the sanitary regulations in force, BIFE SIM 2021 is forcing a return to normality with an edition that will take place in pavilion B2 and in the outdoor areas of Romexpo Bucharest. The fair will take place from September 23-26, it will be a sale edition, and access to...
Cu toate că a fost și este unul dintre cele mai apreciate materiale folosite în construcții și la amenajările exterioare, lemnul este ocolit uneori din cauza rezistenței scăzute la exterior. Cu excepția câtorva specii exotice cu rezistență foarte mare la degradare și care din cauza...
Staining and protecting wood - finishing, as a generic term - are operations that can either increase or decrease the quality of a wood product. The finish is what you see immediately on a piece of furniture and you can feel it as soon as you put your hands on it. Despite this...
Remember the reclaimed wood tabletop? A work in which I showed step by step the steps of how to make it. I worked with reclaimed wood, used antiquing methods, insisted on sanding and patination, but talked very little about the tools I used. So I'll...