There's something mystical about the oak tree, with its acorns and leaves being symbols in many countries, such as England, where the oak is considered the royal tree, many of...
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The pleasant feel of the furniture and protection against soiling is given by the protective film called generic finish. Its quality is...
When I present a finishing system, regardless of the nature of the materials, I'm talking about coats of primer and lacquer. If it were metal, it would be a...
In articles about wood finishing, expressions such as pore marking, the natural pattern of the wood's natural wood design emphasized by the...
From the very beginning we have constantly presented topics related to finishing. About finishing defects and how they can be avoided, about how to apply...
It is not always possible to make furniture from a single piece of solid wood. Especially if the furniture is larger. The solution can come from...
One of my obsessions when talking about finishing is sanding - both sanding the wood before finishing and sanding between coats. I firmly believe...
The subject of reclaimed wood has been covered several times in the pages of the magazine. This time we have chosen to present a project we made from reclaimed wood...
Antiquing or ageing of wood is my favorite subject in the finishing field. Antiquing is the generic term used to describe the whole...
I told you a while ago that varnishes should be chosen according to their properties. So, for a table, we are very interested in the varnish's resistance to...