Although there are recognized technologies for sanding and finishing surfaces or for applying wood preservatives, the diversity of...
Tag - wood finishing
Buyers of furniture and other wooden objects have become increasingly demanding. They are well-informed, they know that the furniture is likely to...
With all the attention given to staining, irregular reddish-brownish-yellow, irregular patches sometimes appear on the surface of the wood. This phenomenon is all the more noticeable when...
Wood is the preferred choice for exterior landscaping, even though its outdoor resistance can't compare with metal, plastic or wood.
I have been asked how to achieve a distressed white look on the wainscoting ceiling of an outdoor patio, the wainscoting already installed. Painting the ceiling is...
These are materials used in woodworking and wood finishing that I've known for decades and because I'm so used to them, I feel like everyone...
We've already mentioned tung oil when talking about natural oils or Danish oil. Now we'll discuss it separately, because it's an oil...
Do-it-yourself enthusiasts still think that varnishes and paints to protect wood used outdoors are stronger and tougher than those used on...
The idea of using wood for bathroom furniture almost always comes up against the fear that it won't withstand the wet environment. This fear is unjustified if we...
Kitchen choppers, spoons, bowls, succinisers - there is no home without one of these wooden kitchen gadgets. Many of them are unprotected...