Se caută arborele european 2020 cu cea mai interesantă poveste! În competiția de anul acesta este și un arbore românesc – bradul multisecular paznicul...
Tag - wood species
A very popular firewood is hornbeam. There is no specialized website that doesn't mention it, putting it alongside beech, oak and ash, which are...
Alburnum, heartwood, latewood, earlywood, annual ring are names used quite often in articles, but I haven't talked about them much. I know, it...
Talking about furniture of all kinds, log and timber frame houses, wooden and epoxy resin table tops, floors, doors, windows and doors,...
Cele mai frecvente întrebări primite de la cititori sunt legate de comportamentul lemnului la exterior și de ce ar trebui făcut pentru a fi cât mai rezistent...
Bamboo flooring is at the top end of the market in terms of both price and quality. I'm not talking about...
Panels or veneers made from exotic wood species are nothing new to woodworkers. Working with such species, which do not grow...
Do you know which is the most decorated Christmas tree? The Nordman tree, because it's the best-selling tree in the world. It's symmetrical, classically shaped...
One of the favorite species of lutieri is the mountain rose. And not only for its acoustic properties, but also for its light color, its...
Mobila din bambus are un aspect exotic care place multora. Mobilierul din bambus poate fi atât pentru exterior, cât și de interior. Pe lângă estetică, bambusul...