With the slogan "Add value to your wood business", Ces Brands aims to bring value and growth to the Romanian wood industry. Ces Brands thus shows its confidence in the growth of the digital marketing market and the further expansion of the Romanian wood industry.
The company has 3 distinct business directions: it is the publisher of the Wooden Magazine, it manages digital marketing campaigns through Try digital, e-commerce through the brand Iscusit.
With revistadinlemn.ro makes its debut in online publishing and aims to present the Romanian wood industry to a young and active audience. Large and small companies in furniture production or related fields, decorative furnishing and wood construction, important businesses in the field, but especially their products are present in its pages. This project aims to become the main online reference in the Romanian wood industry. Revista din Lemn also has 2 printed editions every year, in March and September.
Try digital is the brand under which the marketing division and media agency operates. This business addresses companies that want to increase their business by creating and developing their own brands, by promoting them in the digital environment and beyond, by accessing new sales channels in Romania and around the world.
By brand Clever sells online professional DIY products and products made by local wood producers.
All of these businesses are integrated and can be accessed, both separately and in bundles of products and services, with the sole purpose of increasing our partners' sales.
online magazine subscription?
The online content on revistadinlemn.ro is available free of charge. You can subscribe to the printed version of Revista din Lemnnem, with different content from the website, by visiting the following page https://revistadinlemn.ro/product/abonament-revista-din-lemn/