Finishing Techniques

Why and when we need polyurethane varnishes

Lacurile poliuretanice se folosesc de multă vreme în industria mobilei, ele înlocuind în multe locuri folosirea lacului nitrocelulozic, unul dintre cele mai vechi și mai cunoscute lacuri folosite pentru finisarea lemnului. Lacul nitrocelulozic a fost întotdeauna un lac simplu de folosit și preferat în producție pentru că, dacă apăreau defecte, el putea fi îndepărtat cu ușurință cu diluant, uscarea lui fiind un proces reversibil. Această calitate a lui se transformă însă în defect atunci când pelicula este supusă unor agresiuni. Așa a apărut nevoia de lacuri mai rezistente iar cele care au răspuns foarte bine acestei nevoi au fost aceste lacuri poliuretanice.

polyurethane varnishes
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În general, lacurile poliuretanice sunt produse în 2 componente, lacul și întăritorul (catalizatorul), care reacționează între ele rezultând pelicula de lac, un produs cu calități superioare celor din care a provenit. Amestecul între părți se face într-o anumită proporție. Reacția nu este instantanee, amestecul rămânând în stare lichidă un timp, numit timp de viață sau pot-life, după care se întărește ireversibil.

Nu întotdeauna lacurile poliuretanice sunt în 2 componente, dar principiul rămâne același. Numai că cele 2 componente sunt deja amestecate, dar reacționează numai în prezența unui stimul. În general acest stimul este oxigenul din aer sau radiația luminoasă.

Dar nu vreau să vă fac o lecție de chimie pentru că știu că nu este cel mai bun mod de a vă convinge să rămâneți cu mine. 🙂 Întrebarea este de ce avem nevoie de aceste lacuri a căror folosire nu este la fel de simplă ca cea a lacurilor nitro? Sunt necesare atunci când mobila sau produsele din lemn finisate au cerințe de rezistență mai ridicată sau sunt folosite în medii mai agresive. Nu vă gândiți la cine știe ce cerințe speciale sau la medii cu vapori de acid. Nu, răspunsul este mult mai simplu. Vreți o masă pe care să lăsați direct ceașca umedă cu cafea fiebinte fără să fie nevoie de față de masă sau vreun „biscuite” de carton? Atunci finisați masa cu lac poliuretanic și cu siguranță ceașca nu va mai lăsa urme albe.

polyurethane varnishes
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Tot cu lac poliuretanic trebuie făcută finisarea și atunci când se dorește ca mobila să aibă o mai bună rezistență la zgâriere sau la loviri.

polyurethane varnishes
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Dacă vorbim de mediu agresiv, el poate fi și cel de la bucătărie pentru un lac nitro. Este suficient ca pe masca de la chiuvetă să curgă frecvent apa. În timp lacul va începe să cedeze.

polyurethane varnishes


Finisată cu lac poliuretanic, masca va fi cu mult mai rezistentă la umezeală si vă va scăpa de multe probleme.

Folosind lacuri poliuretanice se obțin pelicule mult mai rezistente. Ele sunt rezistente la zgâriere, la acțiunea solvenților, la lichide reci și calde, la pătări cu vin, cafea si alte lichide colorate, la loviri. De aceea sunt recomandate pentru finisarea blaturilor de masă, a mobilei de baie și bucătărie, a floors.

polyurethane varnishes
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Sunt o foarte bună alegere și pentru că, pentru a face finisarea cu ele, nu sunt necesare instalații speciale. Se pot folosi cu un simplu pistol cu cană, ca orice alt lac. Important este ca, după fiecare utilizare, pistolul să fie foarte bine spălat cu diluant pentru îndepărtarea totală a urmelor de lac. Altfel, lacul se întărește în interior iar pistolul va trebui înlocuit pentru că, așa cum spuneam mai sus, reacția este ireversibilă iar lacul nu se mai dizolvă în solvent.

Lacul poliuretanic este un lac mult mai dur. De multe ori însă această duritate vine „la pachet” cu o scădere a elasticitatii. De aceea, atunci când folosiți lacuri poliuretanice, mai ales dacă finisați lemn masiv, trebuie să aveți grijă la cantitatea de lac aplicată și la numărul de straturi. Spre deosebire de panourile de MDF sau de PAL furniruit, lemnul masiv are variații dimensionale date de variațiile de umiditate din atmosferă. Atunci când lemnul se miscă, lacul de deasupra este supus unor tensiuni și dacă elasticitatea este foarte scăzută, el poate crăpa. Iar dacă straturile de lac sunt mai multe sau mai groase decât ce a recomandat producatorul în fișa tehnică, elasticitatea scade și mai mult iar riscul de crăpare crește.

Sistemul de finisare poliuretanic este mult folosit acum. Pe langă rezistanță, lacurile poliuretanice sunt și frumoase, având și tușeu plăcut. Este un sistem pe care îl recomand atunci când este vorba de blaturi de masă sau de mobilier folosit în mediu cu multă umezeală sau cu posibilități de agresiune mecanica. Asta, bineînțeles, dacă nu se folosesc sisteme mai sofisticate (ca cele cu uscare în UV, de exemplu).

polyurethane varnishes
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About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.


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  • Do polyurethane varnishes have any relatively uniform characteristics, i.e. more or less the same for all products, with regard to resistance to ultraviolet radiation? In my experience, UV is the Achilles' heel if you use polyurethane varnish - a piece of patio furniture or a window frame, even if it initially looks perfect and has absolutely no problems with water, won't last without re-varnishing for more than a few years.

    • No, they are very different depending on the use. Polyurethane varnishes for interior use are varnishes that yellow under the influence of UV radiation. The main culprit is the catalyst, but the other component (polyol) also turns yellow. UV filters or modified catalysts are used to make them more resistant. This is the case with white polyurethane varnishes. As for those used outdoors, they must be specially formulated, i.e. not just any polyurethane varnish can be used outdoors. Because it is not only UV radiation that they have to resist, but also other environmental conditions: temperature variations, humidity, bad weather, etc. They must have UV filters but also be more elastic. PU varnishes are generally harder and more elastic. Outdoor varnishes must also have elasticity so that they do not crack when the wood varies in size. It should not be very matt (with a very high content of matting agent) because it becomes porous and absorbs water, but also not very glossy because it allows radiation to pass through more easily. That is why specially formulated products should be used on the outside. And for these products a guarantee of 8-10 years is very rarely given, with recommendations for maintenance. Please note that the warranty period means the time after the first crack appears in the varnish, not the time when the finish peels or is totally destroyed.

  • Please give me some advice. What should the outside of the log cabin be covered with? Which varnish is resistant between -20 degrees and +60 degrees? But also as many years as possible. The humidity of the place is relatively above normal. Every morning there's plenty of dew on the grass. That's why I'm asking if there is a protective varnish, or any other substance that meets these 3 minimum requirements.
    Thank you

    • There are varnishes that are specially made to withstand the outdoors - large variations in temperature, humidity, UV radiation, etc. Depending on the company and the quality of the product, you will find products that have a guarantee of 4-6 years, but also 8-10 years. Opaque varnishes (those through which you cannot see the wood) protect better than transparent ones, and matt and semi-matt ones are more resistant than glossy ones. Very matt ones (gloss up to 10) are not recommended because they have a higher porosity which makes them vulnerable to water. Lacquers can be found in DIY stores or wood finishing distributors. But it is not only the quality of the varnish that is important, but also how it is applied, how much is applied, how well the wood is sealed so that there is no possibility of moisture getting in at any end.
      There is also the possibility to protect the wood with oil. There are special oils, resistant to the outside, natural (linseed oil) or synthetic. In addition, they give a very natural look, as they do not make a film. But you should apply 2-3 coats, so that the wood can absorb as much as possible. It is also a good protection against humidity. The disadvantage of oil is that it needs to be refreshed every 2-3 years.

      • Thank you for your answer. However the varnishes I've seen don't seem to be a good solution. I need to look for something of higher quality.

  • Hello, dear lady, I found valuable information from you and thank you for that. I also have some questions and I would be very grateful if you could help me with answers. is polyurethane varnish compatible with wood painting in tempera or acrylic? can this varnish be applied with a brush? Do you recommend a specific brand for this varnish? thank you, have a nice day!

    • Hello,
      If the acrylic paint is water-based you can apply polyurethane varnish on top. The problem with polyurethane varnishes is that they are slightly yellow and change the colour underneath a little. Better are acrylic varnishes on solvent, but I don't know where you could find small quantities. They are usually sold by industrial product dealers or distributors. These varnishes do not change colour and also protect against yellowing over time.
      Lacquers can also be applied with a brush. Don't forget to wash the brush well after use because, after hardening, the varnish can no longer be attacked with thinner.
      Can you tell me why you want to apply polyurethane varnish over the paint?

      • Hello, I am a painter and after the experience I had with acrylic varnishes I ended up looking for alternatives. When protecting icons on wood with gold or slagmetal (bronze/copper based alloy) background, a harder varnish than acrylic varnish is necessary - Some of these icons end up being placed in places of worship/procession/ritual in the Church and thus the mechanical "aggression" on this layer of metal foil increases... I have also tried cobalt based varnishes, but even these are not hard enough and have a corrosive effect on the slagmetal foil. There is also a side issue related to the high price of acrylic final varnishes with UV filter - An example: Maimeri Acrylic Varnish 667 - 107 Lei/500ml.

  • Hello!
    I could use your advice as I am in a dilemma. For a table top that has been painted with oil colours, what type of varnish do you suggest to apply? I would like it not to react with the paint (I use bleached linseed oil), but also to be resistant to shocks, scratches, etc., in short, to fulfil its function as a tabletop.... What can you recommend?

    • Hello,
      I think a water based product would not interact with the paint and would also protect. I would recommend water based varnishes for parquet. They are hard, protect the paint and don't react with oil-based paints and can be found in DIY stores.
      All the best!

  • I have some old pieces of furniture, probably lacquered with nitrolacquer, I want to update them and lacquer them white.
    Please advise me what are the steps of this operation and what products should I use. I WOULD LIKE TO MENTION THAT I WANT TO USE A CHEST OF DRAWERS IN THE BATHROOM, UNDER THE SINK. I understand that it should be matted, given with a separator and only afterwards painted with white varnish. But I would like the advice of a real professional.

    Thank you very much for your valuable advice

    • The easiest way is to use Annie Sloan paints. They are simple to use and have adhesion to any surface. Find here the stages of transforming a piece of furniture. For the bathroom, instead of wax, use varnish.
      Good luck!

  • Good evening! I'm a beginner in wood but I love working with it. Could you please tell me if polyurethane varnish can be applied with a brush or only with a spray gun?
    Thanks in advance and congratulations on the magazine, it's wonderful! ✌️

    • Good evening!
      Thanks for your appreciation!
      Can also be applied with a brush. Mix small amounts and apply immediately to avoid wastage. Wash the brush thoroughly with thinner as soon as you have finished. Otherwise the varnish hardens and the brush cannot be recovered.
      Keep in mind that using the brush will not give you a very good quality film like spraying. There may be traces and/or threads from the brush, dust particles, air or thinner trapped in the film. Apply thin coats and watch out for spillage. The golden rule when finishing is more thin coats than one thick one.
      I've put below a link to an article with tips for beginners, maybe it's helpful.
      Good luck!

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