Machines and Tools

Tool demonstrations in your workshop

You know what I'm like when I buy my tools? I need to know everything. I mean, absolutely everything about that product. If you're trying to rush my decision to buy, I'm gone. I have to first be convinced that the product fits me and that I'm making the best choice. Then we negotiate. Mostly I expect that product to be reliable, to work with as few interruptions as possible, to last me for many years and with as few repairs as possible. I want to be able to rely on the things around me, not spend my time repairing or replacing them. With tools I make sure the warranty and service will be of the highest quality.

Because I get a lot of messages asking us or asking for advice about all kinds of tools needed in a carpentry workshop I decided to see what the options are. I knew that Festool are number 1 in the world in terms of professional tools and that it covers the fields of carpentry work, wood construction up to the preparation of finishing wood. But a simple briefing on features and performance wasn't enough for me. I would have liked to see how they work, to talk to a specialist who knows how to handle them, who knows how they perform on the job. That's how I came to Felder Gruppe Romania. They have the only authorized Festool service in Romania.

A very good reason to learn more from them. When I saw that they were willing to listen to me, understand what I needed and not rush me to make a decision, moreover, Felder can come to you for a test run with Festool machines, I knew I had someone to talk to to find out all about what I was interested in.

In fact, they even have 3 specialists who form the "Festool Demo Team". The demo team travels all over the country to demonstrate tools, so they come to your workshop and you don't have to travel. They have three cars full of tools that can come to your shop right away for a complete Test Center, from cutting, milling, drilling and joining to finishing applications.

We found out that George has been working at Felder Gruppe Romania for over 14 years and that he has visited over 1000 workshops and factories for furniture production in the country. Bogdan Negru has over 10 years of experience with Festool tools alone. There is another Bogdan in the team, Serpescu, ready anytime to demonstrate his skills in handling Festool tools. Clearly, I've found my people. I hope they'll be patient with me.

So, I arranged to meet the 3 specialists and hear more about Festool hand tools. But I'll tell you about this meeting another time.


#Felderseria1episode2 - Application of edge film

#Felderseria1episode3 - Fast repair of wooden surfaces

#Felderseria1episode4 - Pneumatic tools and compressed air solutions

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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