
Milan International Furniture Fair 2018 ("FuoriSalone") - Day #3

"Day 3" is a sum of another two and a half days in which we covered almost 5% of everything the designers offered in the spaces set up outside the main hall at Fiera Milano. Yes, you read that right: 5%. If the main exhibition could be intelligibly covered in a week, the one outside it -Fuori Salone - would cover two weeks of a tourist's time on rollers.

Even with the largest exhibition space in this part of Europe, there are still a lot of exhibitors out there, literally. What started out as a desire to exhibit more has turned over the years into a second exhibition at the same time as the Milan Furniture Fair. This later gave rise to the name Milano Design Week, as it tries to bring ALL small pieces under the same umbrella.

FuoriSalone (Outside the Fair) is a powerful movement of exhibitors (both emerging and established) to showcase their creations in an atypical way. Most of the time, a picture is created in which the designers' imaginative visions are exceptionally combined with the rigour of architecture and the ergonomics and utility of interior design. In short, in the salon you go to buy, out of it you go gawking for inspiration. And because exhibitors operate on the same principle, the battle of who has the best balcony, sorry, stand, is on.

And as I said in the first paragraph, you need a lot of energy to cover even half of what the city has to offer, and a lot of understanding that you won't be able to cover everything you want in a week. From what I've crossed off the list, a couple of facilities stick out in my mind.


photo by Vitra

Outside the show

The Litta Variations / 4th Movement by ASIF KHAN

The interior entrance courtyard of the Litta Palace was dominated by ASIF KHAN's sculpture; a reinterpretation of the old forests and the joy of enlightenment. Inside the palace I liked the pieces exhibited by ASTEP if SOLLOS.

photo MoscaPartners

Samothrace / DeCASTELLI
Astep + Flos / Sarfatti


MOOOI - The Life Extraordinary

I recommend the 360* tour on the main website Moooi.

Fuori Salone SuperStudio Piu

Kawai Crystal Rain
Nendo - Forms in Motion


About the author


He is an architect and founding member of Koob Hub. He focuses on civil architecture, interior design and virtual reality. In the last 4 years he has designed residential complexes, shopping mall-like commercial spaces and Class A office towers ranging from 120-300m high for the Chinese market. In his spare time ... haha, who are we kidding!? Vlad has no spare time.

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