Old houses, often forgotten, hide under their old appearance, under the patina of times gone by, a valuable heritage that should not be lost. Sometimes, uninspired renovations make them look "clean", but without the charm and, above all, without the original value. Altering the architecture, changing the look of doors and windows, replacing classic materials with totally inappropriate modern ones, do as much damage as abandoning them. Replacing carpentry for energy efficiency reasons has been a touchstone for these houses. Double-paned windows provide better thermal insulation, so many homeowners have "crippled" their facades, replacing wooden windows and doors with the energy-efficient but plastic version. Indoor temperatures have risen, but house values have plummeted and with them, the beauty and elegance of a bygone era.
And what could have been done, you may ask. Energy efficiency in homes is an important and hot issue right now, and the solution is to call in the professionals when renovating or changing the doors or windows of an old house. They exist! The company Holze is one such example: a manufacturer of laminated wood windows and doors that also caters to those who want to preserve the look and elegance of old houses. It already has experience in this kind of work, with many renovated houses in Bucharest and other cities testifying to its expertise.

Styles as diverse as Western, Oriental or Romanian - all to be found in Bucharest
Unlike the houses in Transylvania, whose old architecture is more unitary and similar to that of the cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, those in the "kingdom" have more varied architectural styles, with influences from both the West and the East. Bucharest, perhaps the most representative of the mix of styles, is a treasure trove of old houses built in the most diverse styles.
Not many houses have been preserved from the beginnings of Bucur's town, and the development of the market town without a clear plan led, over time, to the demolition of old houses to build wider streets, boulevards or simply to build new, larger houses, adapted to the status of the new owners.
Since the 18th century, buildings in Western and Eastern styles have become increasingly evident, as the city developed and a wealthy middle class emerged. The most important influences come from Paris and Vienna, with houses being built in the Neoclassical, Renaissance, Romantic and Neo-Baroque styles. The 19th century brought Art Nouveau, Beaux Art, Belle Epoque and Eclectic influences. But the style that influenced, perhaps most, the construction of houses in Bucharest was the Neo-Romanian, which appeared at the turn of the century. What at the beginning manifested itself, on the one hand, as a refusal to accept and to worship everything that came from outside and, on the other hand, as a return to popular architecture and the Brancovenesque style, developed into a modern Romanian style of architecture, even leading to the emergence of the Romanian school of architecture. It is basically a reinterpretation of the Brâncovenesque style, with elements from the Byzantine style and Romanian fortified buildings (the Oltenești culele). The best-known representatives of the style were Ion Mincu, the founder of the Romanian school of architecture, the architect of the Buffet on the road (Casa Doina) built for the Paris International Exhibition (1889) and Petre Antonescu, the architect of the Bucharest City Hall building located opposite Cișmigiu.
The style was embraced by many builders of the time. There are many houses in Bucharest, which are not part of the heritage, but which bear the characteristic elements of the style: rich exterior ornamentation, reinterpretations of the gazebo and the porch typical of peasant houses, stylized pillars or columns, three-lobed arches. The houses are imposing, but they retain the warm and welcoming appearance of peasant houses. They are a valuable heritage not to be lost.
Doors and windows give personality and elegance to old houses
We used to say that when renovating an old house or changing doors and windows, it's good to work with specialists. This is the case with the house below - an imposing house in the Television district, where you can recognize elements of the neo-Romanesque style - whose carpentry was done by the Holze company. Although the windows and doors are made of layered wood and have two rows of glass, this is not visible, as they fit perfectly into the architecture of the house.

During the work an aluminum pre-frame is installed in the window openings. It's a Holze innovation so that the window that goes in at the end fits perfectly, follows the straight lines of the construction and stays clean and with the finish intact. It's also a way to work with the other crews renovating the home without bothering each other. In the arched bays, the windows were built respecting the original architecture. No element was altered because it would be simpler that way. The important thing was to preserve the original architecture of the building so that the house regains its former grandeur and elegance.

The exterior doors were also a test, being of significant size and weight. One of them had a wrought-iron grating that had to be redone. To preserve the original appearance, the grating was built in the traditional way, hammering the iron into the forge with a hammer. The handles were also chosen to respect the period and style. In the end everything was "from there" and the windows and doors appeared to be refurbished, not replaced.

It's hard, but it can be done!
I live in an old house and a while ago someone congratulated me on not having double-glazed windows. I contradicted him, but he didn't believe me, telling me that double-paned windows are plastic. This is a false opinion. We use "thermopane" to define the type of glass. In fact termopan is a brand, just like we say "sneakers" to sneakers or "xerox" to any copier. Frames can be made of wood, plastic or metal, each with its cost and strength. I had to replace my old windows because they were rotten, totally compromised. But I chose to make them in wood, leaving the facade unchanged. It wasn't easy, but the result was worth it. The house looks good and has kept its value.
An old house has many unpleasant aspects. Over time, they all age and sometimes parts need to be restored or replaced. Windows and exterior doors are the first to break down from weathering and UV radiation. It's a shame to lower the value of a house by replacing failing parts with poor quality products. It is possible for them to be rebuilt or replaced without anyone noticing and the house will retain its appearance. The Holze replacements demonstrate this.

We intend to show you in the next period several such houses and how the problem of interior and exterior doors and windows, wooden furniture lining the door frames, doorways from one room to another or even walls and ceilings has been solved. There is a whole science in the framing of these elements. There is a 'face' to the use of wood, the details of which I have recently discovered and which I want to share with you.
So, don't go too far away!😉
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