Doors Windows

Why choose wooden windows for the house you are renovating or building

Wooden windows represent the normal, the natural. Wood has always been used to build windows, and in the past nobody thought of any other material for their frames. Wood was used from species that had proven their strength over time and was carefully worked to avoid factors that could jeopardise this strength. This is why we see houses over 100 years old that still have their original windows.

The period of rapid development following the Second World War meant that timber was less responsibly exploited. Wood that had not yet matured or less resistant species were used, manufacturing technologies preferred production efficiency to window durability, so windows deteriorated in a relatively short time. This quickly led to the conclusion that wood was not suitable for windows, as it would rot in the weather and sun. Alternative materials soon emerged, tempting in price and performance. But it wasn't long before their weaknesses began to appear and wooden windows came back into the spotlight.

The advent of industrialised wood, impregnation treatments and modern construction solutions has greatly increased the guarantee of these windows. In the Nordic countries, for example, there are companies that give a guarantee of more than 50 years on the windows they manufacture. And so we return to wood, remembering that it is a renewable material and its use in window manufacturing contributes to sustainable and durable construction. And the multiple design and finishing possibilities mean that wooden windows can be adapted to any architectural style. Let's take a look at the main arguments in favour of choosing wooden windows for the homes we live in.

why choose wooden windows

Wooden windows are sustainable and contribute to the energy efficiency of the home

The windows are now made of laminated wood which makes them more durable and energy efficient. Studies have shown that using this type of industrialised wood results in windows lasting more than 50 years. Overlapping layers of solid wood make window frames very stable and free from dimensional changes when the humidity outside varies, dimensional changes that could lead to cracking or warping.

Increasing the durability of windows is also achieved through modern wood treatment and finishing solutions. Treating wood by environmentally friendly chemical modification processes results in profiles with reduced water absorption, increased resistance to decay and rot and dimensional stability. Also, wood can be impregnated in vacuum or under pressure with substances that increase its resistance to water, making it more durable. Increased durability is also helped by finishing systemswhich are also getting better and better.

The construction solution chosen and the auxiliary materials used in the manufacture of windows are of equal importance to wood in terms of durability. Construction solutions that do not allow water to puddle, that help condensation to drain away quickly or that protect the window base from dripping during rain are what make windows last very well over time.

Great design and look

When we want to build or renovate our home, we want to invest in a product that is both good quality and aesthetically pleasing. Laminated wood windows meet both requirements and can satisfy the demands of any architectural style. Vintage, classic or modern designs can be chosen, with traditional details, special architectural shapes and a wide variety of colours. Different types of wood can be used, their natural beauty contributing to the unique look of the windows.

I often saw old houses with beautiful architecture that had lost all their charm because of the new windows. The old windows weren't airtight and were leaking heat, so they were replaced with new double-glazed windows (find here the story of Thermopan windows). But plastic, straight profile windows were chosen. So the original arched window architecture was ignored. The arguments used were that wooden windows are not "thermopane" and that PVC windows are cheaper. Indeed, wooden windows are more expensive, but the new windows reduced the value of the house by much more than the price difference between the two options. And that "double glazing" refers to the window glass, not the frame. Laminated wood framed windows can have 2, 3 or even 4 layers of glass on the glazed surface, contributing to very good thermal insulation.

why choose wooden windows
Holze window for an old house
Contributes substantially to home energy efficiency

Windows play an important role in the thermal insulation of a house. It's as much about the glass as it is about the frame or the way it has been fitted. They are all ways that heat from inside or outside can get inside. Wood is a good thermal insulator, and this makes heat transfer through the inside much lower. Laminated wood has an even lower heat transfer coefficient, and the way the layers of wood are laid and the number of layers contribute to lowering this coefficient. The lower the coefficient of heat transfer, the better the insulation material. Detailed information on the influence of laminated timber framed windows on the energy efficiency of your home can be found at here.

In case of damage to the finish, it is restored and the window does not need to be replaced

The vulnerability of wood to sun and rain is solved by protecting it with suitable materials. Finishing materials are intended to increase the durability of the window, in addition to the aesthetic. Manufacturers of such materials are continually researching the best solutions to increase the guarantee period of windows. The advantage of using wooden windows is that they can be repaired or the overall appearance of the house can be changed by refinishing. Windows can be sanded down to wood like any furniture and refinished, changing materials to increase their strength over time or just the color. Scratches or dings can be repaired which in windows made of other materials become permanent defects.

Wooden windows are environmentally friendly, recyclable and sustainable

Existing studies show the environmental superiority of wood joinery compared to plastic or composite versions. For every wooden window chosen instead of the alternatives, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced. In the manufacturing process of plastic and composite materials, carbon dioxide is removed, whereas the tree from which the wood was sourced consumed decades of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere before it was harvested.

Wood is a renewable material, but it must be sustainably harvested so that it remains a permanent resource. Over-harvesting without replanting, but also lack of maintenance and rejuvenation of the forest floor can lead to significant long-term effects. This is why more and more producers are using wood from sustainable sources and have regular replanting programmes.

why choose wooden windows

Wooden windows are easy to maintain

Exterior finishing materials have warranty periods of between 3 and 10-12 years. Sometimes, under strict operating conditions, they can be as long as 15 years. Compared to what I said at the beginning, 50-60 years seems rather short. It should be noted, however, that this term does not mean that after that period the window breaks down and needs to be replaced. They represent the time after which the first cracks may appear in the finish coat. Until then the coating materials do their job of protecting the wood. In order to prolong the life of the protective materials and therefore of the windows, attention must be paid to their maintenance.

Wooden windows are very easy to maintain. The only annual maintenance required is cleaning/washing the exterior frames. Depending on exposure and weather conditions, windows with the right wood and materials need a refresh of the exterior finish once every 5-7 years and every 5 years thereafter. Most companies that carry window finishing materials also carry maintenance kits. This brings wood windows back to their original beauty and extends their life.

Wood is prized for its natural beauty and the warmth it inspires. Choosing wooden windows for newly built or renovated homes adds beauty, elegance and value.

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.


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  • Yes it's beautiful wood like that, and it's beautifully written. But in Romania there is NO company that uses properly treated wood (as in Norway or Denmark). The guarantee given by Romanian companies is vax bee is not even worth the paper it is printed on. I am telling you this because I have looked for and installed laminated wood windows with Romanian company. I had to repaint them after two years and other problems arose that were not there if the wood was treated properly. Romanians know how to sell, but unfortunately the product/wood used is of poor quality, partially treated etc.


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