When we set off for the hills around Cluj, we didn't know that, in addition to the natural finishes applied to the wood used in the construction of the guesthouse and the cottage, we would discover a wonderful place and a passion to match. The Costin family fell in love with these places 30 years ago, since the time when it was just a hill naturally terraced by landslides that had been in the area. Ever since then they dreamed of a special place that would delight the visitor's eyes and souls. It took a long time, but they succeeded, Trovantland opening at the end of May 2021. I was there less than a month before the opening and we talked about trovans, reclaimed wood, nature and the natural, experiences, passion. We also filmed, so you can get an idea of the beauty of the place by watching the video at the end of the article.
Trovantland - a dream started 30 years ago Â
Gheorghe Costin is from Maramureș, in the Lăpuș Valley, near the fortress of Chioarului. The memory of his grandfather, affected by the loss of land during forced collectivization, made him want to buy land. After school he settled in Cluj, and when he had the opportunity, he started to buy land in the surroundings. The hilly and difficult area, with some even unstable land, had escaped collectivization. There had also been a major landslide in the area and many people were happy to get rid of land that was of no use to them.
He started by farming the land in the village of Pata, but dreamed of enhancing the trovan hill where on clear days you could see far away, far away, to the places of his birth. Nine years ago he built the cottage. In the meantime, he started building a new guesthouse and decided to turn the old cottage into a restaurant, both for those passing through and for those who choose to spend a few days at their guesthouse exploring the area.
We arrived in the area as the final preparations were being made for the opening in less than a month. The exterior had been completed since the fall, and the Kreidezeit oil-lacquered wood had survived the winter. Inside, wooden furniture pieces and decorations blend harmoniously in a well-balanced mix of traditional and modern. The style of the interior design takes you back to the Austrian chalets with lots of wood and natural shades of color. Mr. Costin's wife and daughter were the interior designers and responsible for choosing the furniture and decorations. The bright rooms with wide corner windows let you discover the area from the comfort of your armchair. From the terrace you can see the trovan trees scattered all over the area, or you can get up close to them on foot or by bike on the paths.
What are trovans
One of the attractions of the area are the trovans, Feleac's eggs, as they are called in the area. They are also known as living stones or growing stones. What are trovans really? They are rocks made up of layers of sand bound together by a cement formed by calcareous water flowing through the layers. The rocks grow over time as the cement forms outward from the sand layers. Don't imagine looking at them and seeing them growing. The growth is slow, four or five centimeters in 1,200 years. The stones have some of the most interesting shapes - round, oval, elongated - often hard to believe they are made by nature and not a sculptor. Their growth allows them to come together and join into bizarre shapes.
Trovans are also found in other parts of the country and around the world. The term trovant is Romanian, being introduced in Romanian geological literature in the early 20th century by geologist Gheorghe Munteanu-Murgoci. The best-known area for this type of formation is Valcea, where there is also a museum of trovans.
The hill hut and terrace built with reclaimed wood Â
Across the road from the guesthouse, further up the hill, is the cottage. A generous terrace has been built on the land in front of it. The terrace pillars are mostly reclaimed wood from the animal stables and shelters in the Apuseni mountains. On his travels, Gheorghe Costin discovered these buildings, often abandoned and in an advanced state of disrepair. He talked to the local people and bought from them the ruined animals. He dismantled them and brought the salvaged wood to be used to build the terrace.
A lengthy process of cleaning and protection followed because, as you will see in the video, the wood was badly affected by moisture and decay. After removing the rotted areas, the beams were treated against decay with Holzwurmfrei, a natural product from Naturalpaint. Holzwzwurmfrei is a mixture of silicates which, in addition to protecting against decay, is recommended for the treatment of reclaimed or restored old wood. Silicates strengthen weathered wood and make it more resistant. With this treatment, the beams of the Ap Apuseni rocks are given a new lease of life alongside the eggs of the Feleac. Resistance to bad weather and the degrading action of the sun has been ensured with oil-based lazure colored with Kreidezeit pigments.
Now the poles that form the terrace are waiting for climbing plants to invade and for tourists to enjoy a good meal and a view to match. There's also a barbecue area, all laid out in an authentic rustic style with good taste and decency. The dishes will be prepared in a professional kitchen and will be of the highest quality, with much of the ingredients sourced from the farm's own organic farm.
It's just the beginning Â
The Trovantland project is still in its infancy and future plans include many other developments. Further down the valley from the guesthouse, wooden cottages are to be built that can be rented separately and a swimming pool is to be installed. All landscaping will be designed for relaxation and tranquillity. Bicycle paths will encircle the entire estate, lakes formed naturally by landslides will be showcased and children will have play areas. All designed to enhance the area and provide an unforgettable experience for visitors.
Visitors will find very welcoming hosts here Â
While we were there, around noon, a car came and Mrs. Costin got out, all smiles, bringing food for the "boys". It was impossible to get away, as the invitation to lunch was impossible to refuse. We all gathered in the living room of the cottage and sat down to chat, the lady being passionate about wood and interior design. We chatted like old friends, the atmosphere so pleasant and relaxed that we hardly left. We said our goodbyes and will meet again after the complex opens its doors.
Discover the place and the people in the video below.
P.S. Of course, we returned to Trovantland to sample the local hospitality and cuisine. Details in next pagewhere you can also admire the beautiful sunsets from Trovantland.
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