B2Bife 2024 - How To... - DIY Finishing - Wood treatments

How to make wood more resistant to insects, fungi, fire and moisture

Wood is a very versatile material with many uses. From furniture and interiors, to musical instruments, the most diverse constructions, even games or serving platters, everything is made from wood. There are so many different species with so many different properties that the right wood can be found for every project. What is particularly attractive is the variety of design, the natural colors and the warmth it brings to the space in which it is used.

But there are also properties that sometimes end up damaging wood. Wood's ability to burn by giving off heat makes it a fire-retardant material that needs to be treated more carefully. The fact that it is natural and alive even after felling makes it, under certain conditions, food for fungi, micro-organisms and insects. Its ability to absorb water and swell so that it perfectly joins the staves of a barrel becomes a defect when the wood sits in high humidity environments. For all these weaknesses, however, there are remedies so that the wood can be used safely. Some of the most popular are those produced by the Czech company Bochemit, represented in Romania by Deposib Expertbased in Sibiu.

Resistance to xylophagous insects

Wood-boring insects are those that use wood as food. Even if there are no termites in Romania - the most aggressive wood pests - there are other insects which, if the necessary conditions are met, attack both the tree and the timber or finished product. Among them, woodlice are the best known, but equally dangerous are the wood-boring beetle or wood wasp. They are dangerous not only because of the damage they cause, but also because of their resistance at every stage of development - egg, larva, nymph or adult insect. If infested wood is not properly treated, we may be surprised to find that, after a period of apparent quiet, the insects reappear. This is why it is recommended to treat the wood before it is attacked, thus eliminating the inconvenience and damage.

A product with very good results on wood attacked by insects is Bochemit Eradication. It is concentrated and so can be used for both treatment and prevention. For prevention the dilution is 5%, while for eradication a 20% solution in water is used. The treatment can be adapted according to the type of wood or its location (historic buildings, for example). If the wood is very old or water avoidance is desired, dilute with alcohol. Application is by brush, spray pump, dipping or injection. In order to obtain the desired results, deep absorption must be ensured. If the wood is old, sanding helps to clean the pores and open the grain. Pre-treated wood must be properly dried because increased humidity reduces the amount of substance absorbed and reduces the effect.

Fire resistance

The most common fear about wood is fire resistance. It's good to know that it doesn't burn by itself, but has to be set on fire in order to burn. Wood has been used as a building material since ancient times and people continue to use it for its qualities. Modern wooden houses, which make more use of industrialized versions of wood, are increasingly fire-safe. With fireproofing treatments, wood is difficult to ignite and fire spreads very slowly, with no toxic fumes and smoke.

Fireproofing of wood used in construction can be carried out before or after the construction is completed. For fireproofing to be effective the treated wood must not have a moisture content greater than 15%. There are sources that say 18%, but most ISU recognized firms do not recommend more than 15%. The application of fire retardants is done at an ambient temperature above 5ºC and humidity below 701TP33T.

Bochemit Antiflash is a class B fire retardant, the most resistant when it comes to wood. The minimum allowable fire resistance for fire retardant wood is 120 min. Diluted 1:1 with water, the product is class C resistance. In terms of smoke emission it is in the S1 category (very little or no smoke emission), and in terms of fire dropping it is in the d0 class (no fire dropping for 600 sec.). These categories do not change with dilution.

Bochemit Antiflash is a 3-in-1 product that protects wood against fire, but also against insects and fungi (tested according to EN 113, EN 73, EN 46). The active substance that protects against insects and fungi is highly concentrated, being the only fire retardant on the Romanian market that gives wood such a high resistance to fire, mold and decay.

Resistance of wood to outdoor conditions (water, UV radiation, mold)

Water that stagnates and/or is absorbed, results in black or greenish mold stains covering the wood. If this is not removed and favorable conditions persist, it continues to grow deep into the wood and the wood rots. Wood protected with different materials is much less exposed to mold, but if the humidity is stagnant (shady areas in the north, a cladding that does not allow air to circulate, the base of the building where water is permanently present), mold can also develop on protected wood.

Wood that has been left outside without being protected with oil or varnish, or wood that has not been properly cared for, will turn a dark gray color over time. This is a cumulative effect of mold and mildew caused by increased humidity and UV radiation. This happens to the wood of wooden fences, houses or outbuildings, gazebos or pergolas. To restore it to its original color, you can use Bochemit Antimalgae. The cleansing is very effective, the return to the original color is fast, about 30 minutes after application. Sometimes, if the blackening is strong, 2-3 applications are needed to achieve the desired result.

To avoid mildew and blackening, the wood should be covered with materials that increase its resistance to the outside. Oils Bochemit Estetik provides protection against the sun's rays and prevents water penetration into the wood. Their resistance over time is very good. Estetik Profi range has, according to the manufacturer, over 15 years of resistance, the highest on the market.

In order for the sunlight protection to be effective, the oils are colored to look semi-transparent. The oils do not film, so they do not crack or peel, providing protection against water. The final appearance is matt, slightly silky, typical of oiled wood. It is applied with a brush or roller, and if the wood is well sanded and prepared, the colored surface will be uniform. At least two coats are necessary for good exterior protection.

Better safe than sorry

The expression is frequently used in relation to human health, but it is also perfectly valid for wood health. It is much easier to prevent fungal, mold and insect attack than to treat wood after infestation. Eradication treatments are often aggressive, time-consuming and sometimes the attack is so extensive that it is very difficult to save the wood. Wood used in construction should be treated, especially if it is in structures covered with other materials.

Bochemit Protection is used for prevention against attack by all natural pests of wood (fungi, insects, mold), both indoors (throughout the lifetime of the wood) and outdoors. The outdoor resistance is maximum 10 years. To increase resistance, it is recommended to apply Bochemit Estetik oils after treatment, which protect against all environmental factors (UV radiation, rain, freeze-thaw, wind, etc.).

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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