NZEB House Passive house - Carpentry - Manufacture of wooden houses

"Wooden constructions deserve to get out of the niche" - Interview with Vlad Liteanu, Litarh

After the success in Bucharest, Litarh is getting ready for the Cluj edition of the nZEB Expo 2024. I caught up with Vlad Liteanu, the company's manager, in a break between projects and we chatted about the plans for the fair, but also about how the wooden construction market has evolved in Romania.

Vlad Liteanu - Litarh
Vlad Liteanu - Litarh
Revista din Lemn: Vlad, you are getting ready for a new fair. How was the experience in Bucharest and what are your expectations from the Cluj edition?

Vlad Liteanu: Bucharest edition of nZEB Expo was the most successful so far! I was impressed to see how well informed the visitors are. It's a huge difference from 10 years ago - people come prepared, with lessons learned and ask very informed questions. I expect to see the same openness and curiosity about timber frame houses in Cluj.

RdL: What do you think has contributed to this change in people's perceptions?

VL: I think it is the result of a collective effort of the whole industry. We at Litarh have always emphasized transparency and tried to educate the market through our projects. We've noticed that people appreciate it when you explain the benefits in concrete terms: shorter site time, more usable space, lower foundation costs, plus excellent earthquake behavior. When they understand all this, many prejudices disappear.

RdL: Speaking of projects, I heard that you have invested in a new production hall. What impact will this expansion have?

VL: Yes, the first half of the year was dedicated to this major objective. The new hall is equipped with modern equipment that allows us to prefabricate several elements simultaneously. Basically, we can produce walls and floors faster and more accurately. The ability to produce large prefabricated elements in the factory helps us to be more efficient on site and more flexible in our dealings with the beneficiaries.

New Litarh hall
New Litarh hall
RdL: We know that one of the houses you built, "House by the lake"is certified Passive House Premium. How important is energy efficiency in your projects?

VL: It's fundamental! That's also why we participate in nZEB fairs. We want our beneficiaries to understand that a wooden house is not only an environmentally friendly choice, it's also a very smart choice economically. When you get the insulation right, with quality materials, when you take care with sealing and reduce thermal bridges, the results are immediately visible in your energy bills. Plus the level of indoor comfort is incomparable.

Litarh Headquarters - Valea Moldovei, jud. Suceava
Litarh Headquarters - Valea Moldovei, jud. Suceava
RdL: What are your plans for the Cluj fair?

VL: I will be on stand from November 1-3 with our models showing in detail how we build walls and floors. I'm looking forward to meeting the beneficiaries of the houses we have built in the area, as well as those who are interested in sustainable and healthy homes. I am sure it will be a lively fair with lots of good information. Every event like this is an important step towards taking timber construction out of the niche area where it is still unfairly positioned.

RdL: Thanks for your time and good luck at the fair!

VL: Thank you too! See you in Cluj!

The interview was conducted by Dan Radu for Revista din Lemn

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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