Biesse innovations are developed to meet today's customer needs, streamline production and make the operator's job easier. They...
Author - Mihaela Radu
Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.
Today's high-performance machines have been invented by companies that have continuously innovated and improved the results. There are companies...
"I varnished a solid wood table top, but the look was dull and the wood seemed to have lost its charm. I sanded the top and completely removed the lacquer...
Fruit trees are hard for us to see as a source of wood. We see them primarily as a source for jams, marmalades, juices and compotes. And...
The use of I Joist beams on the roof allows for high performance insulation with near zero heat loss
Wood has always been used in construction. With pluses and minuses, it has fitted in well with the requirements and has helped to raise...
The reddish color of the doors was the first complaint of the lady who asked my advice. She wanted to give the wood a more natural color, without...
Am ajuns să citesc despre alun pentru că cineva m-a întrebat de curând cum ar fi mai bine să finiseze un astfel de gard. Știind că alunul este mai...
Acum ceva vreme am văzut fotografia de mai jos pe un grup de profil. Cel care o postase voia să știe dacă lemnul era vechi cu adevărat sau dacă...
Inside 2021, este unul dintre cele mai ample evenimente Biesse, dedicat inovației tehnologice „întruchipată” de Winline 16, multi-centrul...
Într-unul din episoadele ciclului Guru finisării (îl găsiți aici) am văzut că se poate obține orice culoare din cartelele de culori RAL sub formă de...