Pallet production combines both simplicity and complexity and more than any other type of woodworking relies on the skills of...
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Remember the article about tool demonstrations in your workshop? If not, you must be new around here! Yes...yes, it is about you 🙂 ....
We all too easily throw out old furniture, thinking it's not good enough for the times, too clunky, not modern. On the...
Although I like most wood species, I have to admit that beech has never been one of my favorites. I considered it a wood without...
The old rocker in the picture was made in 1860 by a great inventor and innovator, Michael Thonet. I told you a bit about Thonet when I said...
I had the chance to discover a very nice story to share with you. It's about some young enthusiasts who are building houses on wheels in Oradea. But...
We have always associated powder coatings with metal, with coloring and protecting it. That's how car bodies, the refrigerator or washing machine are painted...
Tânărul sloven, după ce a absolvit școala de silvicultură, nu și-a găsit de lucru pe specializarea sa și atunci și-a creat singur un loc de muncă – cu...
I was asked if knots can be sealed with shellac. I replied that, as far as I know, tannins and especially the resin in the knots are a problem and it is...
When I discover a great design in an ordinary and perhaps even mundane piece of furniture, I want to find out as much as I can about the person who made it. That's how...