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For an outdoor wooden construction to last as long as possible, the right wood must be chosen, correctly constructed and protected against the sun and weather. Each of these aspects are equally important. There's no point choosing the right wood if water is splashing on it...
The energy performance of a building is an important feature, as the energy used in a house increases maintenance costs and creates a significant amount of greenhouse gas pollution - the main cause of climate change. So it is not...
A metro station in the Centro Direzionale area of Naples will be built in solid wood. The neighborhood in which the station is located was designed in the 1970s by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange in a very modern style with skyscrapers, reflective glass and lots of concrete. The office-heavy...
BIFE-SIM 2021 has come to an end, the participants have returned home and have taken stock. Among those who consider themselves winners after attending the fair is the WoodMatic team. They said it at the fair, they said it afterwards. For WoodMatic the stakes were perhaps even higher than...