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empire style
Deco&Design - Furniture

Styles in furniture - Empire

The Empire style is directly linked to Napoleon Bonaparte - Napoleon I - and the period when he was emperor of the First French Empire (1804-1814). Empire means empire in French, which is why we sometimes refer to it as the Imperial style. It was created to glorify the greatness...

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cracks in varnish or paint
How To... - DIY Finishing - Finishing Techniques

I applied 3 coats of varnish, but the surface continues to be rough. How do I stop it from scratching, make it smooth?

Not infrequently I have come across this idea that furniture will be pleasant to the touch and will look good just by applying successive coats of varnish without doing anything else. Unfortunately, there are also very good carpenters who treat the finish superficially, losing sight of the fact that it, along with...

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Unique hardwood spoons

Giles Newman sculptează linguri din lemn folosind metode tradiționale, unelte de mână și lemn de pe pământurile lui proprii. Spun linguri din lemn observându-le forma, dar lingurile lui arată ca niște mici opere de artă. Nicidecum nu este exclusă utilizarea lor în bucătărie pentru că...

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