From April 8 to 11, #TotulPentruCasaTa is taking place - the event that brings to the forefront the digital side of building styles, furnishing and equipping any type of home. #TotulPentruCasaTa is the second virtual concept developed by ROMEXPO and brings together companies...
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What you can learn from the article The meeting I had with Cătălin Caraza from Inginerie Creativă had as a reason and starting point of our discussion the structural and energy compliance project of the house of Ioana and Ciprian Radu, built by Litarh in Gulia, near Bucharest...
What you'll learn It feels like spring is here. More and more questions are being asked about exterior finishes, gazebos, fences, pergolas or garden furniture. The preference is for linseed oil, but there are many unknowns about how to use it, its properties and resistance...
A friend of mine is furnishing his apartment and we've talked quite a bit about the materials he wants to use. Now it's the kitchen's turn and one of the important factors he needs to consider is budget. I thought I'd briefly outline the options...
Ce vei afla Ce este interzum @home interzum este principalul eveniment global pentru furnizorii industriei de mobilă și de amenajări interioare. Aici prind viață tendințele și viziunile care vor crea spații de locuit viitoare folosind materiale moderne, design remarcabil și inovații...