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yes steak

BIFE-SIM 2018, a show of shapes, trends and ideas!

La închiderea unei alte ediții de excepție BIFE SIM, târgul reușește să își păstreze statutul de lider al evenimentelor de nișă organizate în țara noastră, dar să și reflecte tendințele actuale în materie de design interior, fiind, pentru cei care îi trec pragul, un veritabil spectacol de...

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steak-sim 2018

Impressions at the end of BIFE-SIM 2018

BIFE-SIM 2018 is over. It's been a busy 5 days, with meetings, discussions, visits, videos, presentations. We had our stand among the machines and we took advantage of this to inform ourselves and see as many of them as possible. But now I want to give you some impressions. Pavilion B1...

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