Vara cu toții ne dorim să stăm afară, în natură, înconjurați de cât mai mult verde natural, iar cei care au spațiu în curte se gândesc să-și amenajeze un astfel de loc. Este perioada când comenzile pentru foișoare, pergole și alte amenajări cu lemn iau amploare. Despre pergole și foișoare...
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Some time ago we informed you about the latest news from Felder Gruppe at the Holz-Handwerk fair in Nuremberg. One of these novelties is the new range of Tempora cant applicators from Format-4. I thought I would tell you more about it, more than you would find in...
In the search for kitchen furniture, customers invest most resources of time, money and energy. And no wonder, it is the room around which most activities revolve, it is the heart of the home that brings family members and guests together. Light has...
The primary processing of wood, the cutting of veneers, and the machining of semi-finished products result in rough surfaces due to the splitting of the wood fiber. Also as a result of processing, dents, scratches and stains may appear, which must be removed if the end result...
We have received many questions over the years about how to stabilize green wood so that it stops cracking, what to do to make drying faster and without big losses, or how to make wood stronger so that it can be processed easily without...