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natural oils

Natural wood finishing oils

Natural oils are increasingly used for wood finishing. The turn towards nature, towards natural products and the growing organic trend have made many people want to use natural oils when they have a piece of wood to protect. But not all natural...

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Wooden hut with totems

Small wooden houses and cottages have a special charm that keeps us coming back with examples. After the house on a Swedish island and the one on the rocky shores of the Atlantic, it's the turn of a log cabin in the forest in the Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada...

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How was the White Night at the House of Arts

Exactly a week ago, on October 22, creators and product designers had a White Night at the Cultural Center Casa Artelor, invited by the Atelierul de Creație Association. The 5th edition of the White Night of Creators and Product Designers project, funded by the Ministry of Culture...

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