Very shortly after the launch of the Wooden Magazine, I attended the 13th edition of the Design la Cold event organized by Dizainăr. I was telling you then how impressed I was by Mihnea Ghilduș and the way he managed to make us discuss, learn, get interested, evolve...
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This year (2016) in Milan, the wood varnishes and paints manufacturer Sirca - also present on the Romanian market since 1993 - organized the event Cromateria. The event focused on the dialog between art, architecture and industry. I present this...
When we presented wood aging techniques, we also mentioned distressed, one of the most widely used methods of antiquing furniture. Distressed is the term adopted from English, but in factories it is commonly referred to as burned or burned. The method is used more...
The motto of Global Design Suceava - always fresh ideas - says a lot about this ever young team, about their constant desire to propose novelties to their partners and clients. This year, Global Design Suceava will certainly come to BIFE-SIM with new ideas and...
Artistul american Jayson Fann proiectează și realizează cuiburi pentru oameni. El trăiește în California, pe valea Big Sur și colaborează cu centrul internațional de artă și cultură Big Sur Spirit Garden, de unde cei care vor să experimenteze viața de pasăre le pot cumpăra. Dar ei pot...