DASK Centru has been present in Romania for only three years and is already a well-known name in the panel furniture market. With 25 years of experience in the Ukrainian furniture market, things have settled down quickly and satisfied customers are bringing them new customers. The company has...
Layout A (with pagination)
I discovered the question on a profile group. Phrased a bit differently but you get the idea. At first glance it seemed simple, a light sanitizing and another coat of varnish, nothing complicated. Some of those who rushed to respond even went with that idea. But a closer look...
Corrugated fibre, knots, bends, gouges - what growth defects are and how they affect wood properties
Ne place mai mult un mobilier rustic când descoperim un nod crăpat și apreciem în mod deosebit furnirul de paltin cu fibra ondulată sau blatul de masă din plop bubos. Acestea sunt de fapt defecte de creștere ale arborilor, care nefiind întâlnite în mod frecvent sunt cu atât mai apreciate...
It is becoming increasingly clear that wood is the building material of the future. All over the world, buildings are being built taller and taller, each time pushing limits that were previously considered unreachable. In both the public and private domains around the world, the construction of...
The company Naturalpaint has already accustomed us to good quality natural products for insulating and finishing the home. You may remember the Gutex wood fiber insulating boards, with very good fire resistance. For those who haven't seen the test yet, you can watch it here. Now we...