
Read Wood Magazine directly from your mobile with Instant Articles

Our articles are now much easier to read on mobile in Instant Articles. Many of our readers are very active and use their phones to stay informed.
Every post of ours in the Wood Magazine will be readable in full directly on facebook using your mobile phone. Browsing will no longer mean leaving facebook to get to the website. The article will open almost instantly inside facebook, and the experience you will have while reading will be very similar to browsing facebook. All without the need to install a new application but just follow us as before or more 🙂
The video below shows a post read from your mobile, but they'll be even more spectacular.

This novelty aims to develop an online magazine with content that is easily accessible from any platform, varied content and a quality visual experience.

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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