panels - Finishing Techniques - Furniture Production Machinery

WoodMatic introduces the TM 2680F dual table MDF veneer press

MDF veneer finishing technology has been continuously improved, with quality continuously increasing. In the early days, only flat panels could be veneered, the foils were stiff and thick, and the panel clamping was of poor quality. Now membrane presses make it possible to coat various profiled panels, the foils are more flexible, thinner and cover the milling perfectly, and the clamping is done with adhesives activated by the high temperature in the press. Modern solutions also make it possible to achieve high-gloss surfaces that were impossible in the past. WoodMatic offers furniture factories industrial veneering presses with two working tables which ensures high productivity. The veneer machine TM 2680F is designed for the application of PVC, PET, TRF or ABS foils on flat or milled MDF panels and is also very suitable for high gloss surfaces.

woodmatic mdf press

Features of the TM 2680F WoodMatic veneer press

The TM 2680F is a membrane press operating on the positive pressure-negative pressure principle, and is particularly suitable for finishing 3D surfaces. The film to be applied is heated by means of two platens, upper and lower, which are heated both by thermal oil and by electrical resistors embedded inside them. Thanks to this system, the phenomenon of high gloss film build-up is completely eliminated, resulting in very high quality gloss surfaces.

The main features of the press are:

  • Full cycle of 2-5 minutes, depending on material applied
  • Pressing time max.3min/pressing cycle
  • German-made vacuum pumps, Becker & Leypold
  • Possibility of pressing different thicknesses in the same pressing cycle (from 16 mm to 50-60 mm)
  • 14-position film magazine and auto-cutter rewinder for each worktable.

The press measures 9600 x 2150 x 2150 mm and each table is 2600 x 1300 x 60 mm. The total weight of the press is 14 tonnes. The membranes with which the press is equipped as standard are made of silicone and are 3 mm thick. The pistons of the machine are coated with a thick layer of treated and finished hard chrome which ensures very good wear resistance. The hydraulic system has been dimensioned and tested at a much higher pressure than the working pressure and is made with German Becker & Leypold components and vacuum pumps. The vacuum is generated with a high-capacity pump that works in synchronisation with the hydraulic system, depending on the working stages. Hydraulic force pressure and membrane pressing are electronically controlled by a PLC so that the membrane has maximum efficiency.

The press is equipped at each work table with a magazine with foil rollers, with automatic cutter and 14 positions. The dimensions of the magazine are 1800 x 730 x 1180 mm and it weighs 250 kg. The roll length is 1300 mm. The cutter with blade and counter-blade is made of treated steel to avoid tearing during cutting. Cutting is pneumatically operated.

The control panel has a touch screen and is assisted by a PLC. It can be used to monitor all press functions, including safety functions.

Advantages of finishing panels with the TM 2680F press

Manufacturing lines including the TM 2680F press are highly productive, versatile and the end product is of high quality. The press allows simultaneous wrapping of panels of different thicknesses and millings using foils of different colours, thicknesses and qualities in the same working cycle. The working parameters of the press can be chosen to match the quality of the film. Panels from 16 to 60 mm thick can be laminated. A complete working cycle takes no more than 5 minutes, with an actual pressing time of 2-3 minutes. The press applies constant pressure to the entire surface being finished, including edges and milled areas, resulting in very high quality panels.

In summary, the main advantages of using the TM 2680F laminating press are:

  • Short working time, with a complete cycle in 5 minutes
  • High flexibility, in one working cycle using both panels of different thicknesses and patterns, and foils of different colours and thicknesses
  • Consistent and high pressing quality
  • High productivity due to short cycles and good yield.
A complete folding cycle involves 4 phases

Preparing the panels. Finishing your furniture by wrapping is not just about press and different foils. Before the pressing, the panels are cut and machined to the desired shape and pattern. The processing is done by milling, The CNC being the most suitable equipment for series production.

Then it is applied the adhesive which will help to hold the panel foil firmly in place. The liquid adhesive is applied by spraying, which ensures even distribution. The adhesive is a temperature activated polyurethane adhesive, provided by heated press platens. After the adhesive has dried, the panels are sanded with fine sandpaper to remove raised and hardened fibre and air bubbles embedded in the spray before being placed on the press tables. Milling the MDF results in a rough, high-fibre surface that is filled with adhesive and becomes hard, just like wood. If not removed by this fine sanding, all the irregularities will be visible under the foil, spoiling the final appearance of the panel. Sanded and stripped panels are placed on movable templates on press tables. Before the foil supplied by the foil magazine at the end of each table is laid down, the panels are again vacuum stripped over the entire surface and in the milled areas, removing the last traces of dust.

Then the foil is laid and the table can go to press. The wrapped panels then go into the finishing phase where the excess foil on the edges is removed with a special knife.

Such presses can be seen at work. By scheduling a visit to Comănești, where WoodMatic is headquartered, you can see them in the production process being integrated into the manufacturing line of the group's furniture factory. Appointments can be made in contact page of the website or on Facebook. If you are interested, don't miss the opportunity to see the machine in full production.

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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