The Wood Industry needs a large-scale B2B (business to business) event to bring people together, generate energies and give direction. In my opinion, this industry cannot consider itself big, cannot make macro-economic claims without such an event. The timber industry needs one moment a year to stop and look in the mirror. Companies, marketing and sales teams to interact directly with the market, managers to meet, discuss, observe trends. Professionals to inform themselves, to improve. The APMR and employers' associations should take advantage of everyone's presence to organize General Assemblies and make decisions for the coming period.
The infrastructure of the event, the infrastructure of Bucharest (that's what it is), the notoriety of the brand, all make BIFE-SIM the perfect event to become again the large-scale event I was talking about above. If we want that big event, we need a fresh start! A fresh start where we build on what already exists and we know it is good. By people and companies who understand the need and want such a big event. With their help.
This is why we initiated the project We, Wood Magazine, want to get involved. We want to support the APMR, we want to muster the energies needed to have that major annual event here at BIFE-SIM.
We know it is not easy. We have seen that already in the short time since the project was launched. It's hard to explain what we want to do, it's hard to understand, it's hard to rebuild trust, it's hard to find budgets for it. Especially now at this time. But what's hard is also beautiful. It's nice to find people who share your vision and trust in your project. Thank you, Adrian Echert (Wood-Mizer Romania)! Thank you, DragoÈ™ Mărăcineanu (Felder Gruppe Romania)! Your trust obliges us.Â
It's nice to already see renewed energies, young people eager to come to BIFE-SIM 2023 (September 21-24), to interact, communicate, get involved. Radu Vădan, Radu Călian, George Adrian Mihalache, Dorin Văideanu and many others will be at our stand. Well-known names from the Revista din Lemn or from professional groups, professionals we have been following for a long time and who we think deserve to have their moment (even an hour, see the schedule of events on at B2Bife 2023. Inspirational people, role models for others who we look forward to joining us in the industry. If their names don't ring a bell yet, you don't know enough about this industry. Come to BIFE to meet them!
Otherwise we, Wood Magazine - so you can see that we are thinking about the project as one for the future - we will take advantage of our English platform,, to promote globally in an attempt to bring as many international companies interested in furniture and the Romanian market to BIFE-SIM next year. Then, with the support of our B2Bife partners, we will try to offer everyone the infrastructure and services they need here at BIFE-SIM. This is our goal for BIFE-SIM 2024. We really want to know, as soon as possible, the timing of BIFE-SIM 2024 (as soon as BIFE 2023 ends, if possible) in order to start the campaigns, to talk to current and future partners.
But until BIFE-SIM 2024, we expect you all to join us next week, between September 21-24, at Romexpo, at BIFE-SIM 2023, to build together the biggest event of the year in the Romanian Wood Industry. B2Bife! Come to BIFE!
Wooden Magazine Stand 66A | Pavilion B2 | Romexpo
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