Deco&Design - Presentation of wooden houses

The story of the holiday home turned permanent residence

We had the privilege of chatting with a family who turned their dream of a cottage into a remarkable reality. With friendliness and openness, the homeowners shared with us how they made the decision to build a log home, how they chose the perfect builder, and how they turned an idea into a life project.

The whole construction was a fascinating journey, from the moment they had the idea to build the log house, to the moment they decided to live in the house permanently. With excellent thermal comfort, energy autonomy and attention to detail, their log house is an oasis of peace and joy in the midst of nature. The two are proud of the end result and share useful tips for anyone wishing to embark on such a journey. A conversation full of inspiration and warmth, reflected in their joy and gratitude for their new home.


The beautifully decorated and brightly lit house stood out in the late November evening darkness. We had left Bucharest in the morning and, after a long drive, arrived in the evening near Satu Mare. Dorin Văideanu, from Doralnic - Houses from logs, had built a house in this area and insisted that we go and see it and talk to the owners. She wanted us to take advantage of the fact that it was decorated, lit up and ready to host a special family event, plus the coming of Christmas. In addition to the gorgeous house, we met and befriended some warm and discreet people who welcomed us with great warmth and friendship, helping us to discover their home, their log cabin.

Wood Industry News: Hello, thank you for agreeing to see us and have this discussion about building your cabin. How did it all start?

Owner: A few years ago, one winter afternoon, I got the idea to take my wife to a beautiful place near the city. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, we went to the first village and walked through the snowy landscape. Then my wife said, "Look, this is where I'd like us to build a house, a cottage to have when we get old." And I said, "But why wait till we're old? Let's do it now." So we decided to look for land in the area to build a cottage.

How did the idea evolve from the mere thought to the actual building of the lodge?

The pandemic had really started. We discussed it together and said that maybe this was the best time to do this. We bought the land, we had some difficulties with the land registry and some administrative difficulties, but we overcame them. Then we looked not for the cheapest, but for the best log house builder.

How did you find the best one? What was the process of choosing a builder like and how did you end up deciding on a log home project?

I have a builder friend in Suceava. I knew they were building houses like this in the area. I asked him and he recommended Doralnic. To convince myself, I went to the building site, up at Coșna. The fact that I found Dorin (n.r. Dorin Văideanu - owner of Doralnic) in overalls and not in a suit gave me a lot of confidence. I said, "That's my man." The fact that he showed me the work he had on site and gave me a lot of details convinced me that I had found what I needed. We worked out quite a few details about the future house right then and there, and we got along. We shook hands. And they really moved very well. In May 2021 I visited them with my wife and we worked out some more little details, where the outlets would be and things like that. Then in August the house was assembled on site, ready for dismantling and transporting to us, and we didn't have the building permit yet. We decided not to do anything without that permit.

How did the construction process go and what challenges did you face along the way?

The process started in February 2022, with permits being obtained. Foundation pouring was in May 2022. Doralnic came to the erection in June 2022. Actual construction took place that year. The house was completed in September-October 2022, and we moved in in March 2023. During construction, we dealt with plumbers, electricians and landscaping. Everything you see here, the furnished house, including the sauna, pool, sports field, trout pond - we even have a 30 mc/hour spring - was built from May 2022 to March 2023. Then one night in March 2023, we said "Let's sleep here!" And we've been sleeping here ever since. Initially, we thought we'd only come on weekends, but we love it so much that we only stay here.

Where did you live before you moved here?

We have a house in Satu Mare. That's where we used to live. We still have it. It's more comfortable there, but we like to live in nature. We have modern facilities there, but I think it lacks those experiences of being close to nature that you have in a wooden house.

How do you feel now, living in the log house? Has it been a significant change?

We feel great. It was a big change, but we quickly got used to it and are enjoying the peace and nature. I also like having activity around the house, like tending the garden and feeding the fish in the pond. I like to feed the deer that come over. Our yard is not fenced in the back. It basically continues with the woods and the deer come from the woods to our backyard where we have cribs set up. In the spring we have a bird concert. Nature is very present on our property.

In terms of comfort, how is it?

At home in Satu Mare I woke up with dry nostrils. Here, in our wooden house, I don't have that problem anymore, I rest much better. We have remarkable thermal comfort. We have efficient wood heating and we also use solar panels. The humidity in the house is constantly under control and the atmosphere is very pleasant.

Did you have any special or difficult moments during construction?

A special moment was when we decided to bring in a spring for a trout pond. Overall, the whole process was an interesting experience and we learned many new things.

The way you have decorated harmonises the look of the cottage beautifully and naturally.

Yes, we tried to bring a mix of rustic and modern into the interior design. We like to keep everything as natural as possible and feel close to the environment. We took into consideration the functionality of each space. For example, we designed a spacious living room and included a gazebo in the backyard for relaxing moments. We wanted to have a place where we could feel connected to nature and enjoy the comfort of our wooden house. We created pleasant outdoor spaces, such as the pool and sports field, to enjoy the outdoors and create an environment conducive to outdoor activities. At the same time, we let the existing trees remain in the yard, providing a natural atmosphere.

How do you manage energy here? You said you were independent in terms of electricity and water.

That's right. We have solar panels, batteries for energy storage, and even plan to bring in a hydro turbine to harness the nearby waterfall. We're completely self-sufficient and eco-friendly. We don't pay for gas, we don't pay for electricity. The only bill we pay is our internet bill.

Do you have any advice for those who would like to build a log house or cottage?

Our advice would be to do thorough research before you start, work with serious professionals and enjoy the process.

What does this wooden house mean to you?

For us, this house is more than just a place to live. It is a life project in which we have invested a lot of time and energy. It brings us joy and peace of mind, and we are proud to have been able to create such a special space.

Wood Industry News: Thank you for having us and sharing your story. It was a very interesting discussion. Enjoy every moment you spend in this wonderful home!

Thank you, it was a pleasure to share our experience. We look forward to seeing you again!

We left absolutely impressed with the beauty of the house and how they had thought everything through in detail. Their story is a heartwarming encouragement to follow the dream of building a log home. With an unforgettable experience and a house that has become a true home, they remind us that any project of this kind involves passion, patience and collaboration with trusted professionals. In a hectic world, their wooden house is not just a place to live, but an authentic retreat in the middle of nature, where comfort is at home. We hope this talk will become an inspiration for anyone who wants to start their own journey to an authentic log home.

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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