Europe - Legislation

European Commission launches anti-dumping investigation into imports of plywood from Brazil

European softwood plywood producers call for safeguards against unfair trade practices

The European Commission officially announced on March 6, 2025 the launch of a anti-dumping proceedings against imports of softwood plywood originating in Brazilfollowing a complaint by the Softwood Plywood Consortium (SPC), which represents the main European manufacturers in the sector.

The complaint, registered on January 20, 2025, alleges that Brazilian imports of plywood are being traded on the European market at dumped prices, causing material injury to the EU industry.

What is the targeted product?

The investigation concerns plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood (other than bamboo), each ply not more than 6 mm thick, with both outer plies of coniferous wood. This type of plywood, known as 'softwood plywood', falls within CN code 4412 39 00 and is widely used in the construction and furniture industry.

Evidence of unfair practices

According to official documents, the Consortium has submitted evidence indicating a significant increase in the volume of imports from Brazil, both in absolute terms and in market share. Moreover, the low prices of these imports would have a negative impact on the volumes sold and the price levels charged by European producers.

"The evidence shows that the prices and volume of imports have, among other consequences, had a negative impact on the quantities sold and the level of prices charged by the Union industry, resulting in substantial adverse effects on the overall performance and the financial situation of the European industry," the Commission's notification says.

Who made the complaint?

The Softwood Plywood Consortium (SPC) is an ad hoc organization formed in 2024 by leading European softwood plywood manufacturers. Its members include renowned companies:

  • Wotan Forest, a.s. from Czech Republic
  • UPM-Plywood Oy from Finland
  • Thebault Group in France
  • Paged MorÄ…g S.A. from Poland

The stated aim of the Consortium is to promote fair and sustainable business practices in the European plywood industry.

What's next?

The European Commission will conduct an in-depth investigation covering the period January 1 to December 31, 2024. The analysis will also examine relevant trends from January 2021.

"Should the conclusions be affirmative, the investigation will examine whether the imposition of measures would not be against the Union interest according to Article 21 of the basic Regulation," the Commission document says.

The Commission also intends to register imports of softwood plywood from Brazil at an early stage of the investigation, in order to facilitate the eventual decision to collect anti-dumping duties.

Provisional measures could be imposed within seven to eight months of publication of the notification, and the full investigation should be completed within 12-14 months.

Importance for the timber industry

This investigation is an important step to protect the European plywood industry, which is facing increasing competitive pressures. Softwood plywood is a strategic product for the construction sector in Europe, and maintaining a competitive local industry is essential for European supply chains.

Interested parties, including exporting producers, importers and end-users, are invited to participate in the investigation and to make their views known in accordance with the procedures detailed in the official notification.

About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.

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