Există o companie căreia i-aș încredința fără ezitare sarcina de a-mi mobila și decora casa. Pasiunea mea pentru mobila cu aspect elegant care poartă...
Author - Mihaela Radu
Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.
Nodurile reprezintă o caracteristică obișnuită a lemnului. Sunt cunoscute și recunoscute cu ușurință. Dar ce sunt ele, cum apar, de câte feluri sunt...
Very shortly after the launch of the Wood Magazine, I attended the 13th edition of the Design in the Cold event organized by Dizainăr. I was telling you...
This year (2016) in Milan, the wood varnishes and paints manufacturer Sirca - also present on the Romanian market since 1993 -...
When we presented the techniques of ageing wood, we also mentioned distressed, one of the most widely used methods of antiqued wood finishing....
The motto of Global Design Suceava - always fresh ideas - says a lot about this ever young team, about their desire to...
American artist Jayson Fann designs and builds nests for people. He lives in California's Big Sur Valley and collaborates with the...
Near Bergamo, in northern Italy, at the foot of Mount Arera, a...cathedral has been growing for several years. It's literally growing, because its structure has...
Încă de la început am prezentat constant subiecte legate de finisare. Despre defectele de finisare și cum pot fi ele evitate, despre modul cum pot fi...
Pardoseala din lemn este o alegere înțeleaptă atât ca investiție, cât și ca aspect, fiind potrivită în orice spațiu locuibil datorită rezistenței în...