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BIFE-SIM 2022 - International Furniture, Equipment and Accessories Fair - the event dedicated to the furniture industry in Romania and abroad...
A few months after the birth of their first child, Smaranda and Andrei decided to leave Bucharest, to leave behind the pollution and hustle and bustle of...
Felder Gruppe aniversează anul acesta 20 de ani de participare la târgul de mobilă și accesorii BIFE SIM, cel mai important eveniment al industriei...
Noul multi-centru WinLine pentru producția de uși și ferestre a fost creat pentru a răspunde cerințelor stringente ale pieței: creșterea volumului de...
All my childhood I hated arbutus trees. In the village in the Bărăgan, where I spent all my vacations, we had some big cork oaks in the yard. From the cor...
There are several reasons why we want to remove old finish coat from doors, furniture or other objects: the paint coat is cracked or...
In many of the advertisements for holidays in Mediterranean countries, especially Italy, you see roads winding through green hills or vineyards to a...
At the beginning of August 2022, the House by the Lake received Passive House certification. In addition to the homeowners' joy that they will be paying low utility bills...
Brema Eko 2.2 is the new vertical drilling CNC from Biesse, with high versatility to adapt to the most diverse production needs....