BIFE-SIM 2019, târg internațional de mobilă, echipamente și accesorii, s-a desfășurat între 12 și 15 septembrie 2019 la ROMEXPO! La BIFE-SIM au expus peste 230 de companii româneşti şi internaţionale care au întâmpinat vizitatorii cu oferte pentru toate bugetele, pornind de la mobilier de...
Layout A (with pagination)
Răspunsul la această întrebare îl poți afla împreună cu Felder Gruppe România. Următorul pas pentru afacerea ta este numele campaniei pe care Felder Gruppe România a lansat-o în această lună în cadrul BIFE-SIM. “Scopul principal al acestei campanii este ca oamenii să își definească...
I met Mihai Irimescu, IDUTANG, just like Ayako, at the Arboritm stand. They seemed friends since forever and it was a surprise to find out that they had only known each other for 2 days. He liked from the beginning the positive energy of the always smiling Japanese woman and the expat experience contributed to...
BIFE-SIM 2019 is over! We are left with new contacts, talks and meetings with partners and beautiful memories. One of these beautiful memories is meeting Ayako Funatsu, a Japanese woman hopelessly in love with Romania. Ayako makes handmade flower arrangements out of handmade paper....
Last week in Comănești, I had a chat with Mihai Vatavu, general manager of Tehnoholz - Danibrum. We caught him in full preparation for this year's BIFE-SIM fair. The machines had already left for Bucharest together with the team that was going to assemble them. I understood from Mihai that...