Felder Gruppe Romania draws your attention to the POR 2.1.A funding program. They are the first to have prepared themselves, they have created a dedicated webpage and a system to help those interested in accessing these funds. I also learned from them. Who can access these...
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I'm sure you've all heard that wood 'works' permanently. What does this mean? Solid wood changes its dimensions according to the outside humidity and does this even if it has been properly dried and varnished. Swelling and shrinking...
Smart phones, information stored in the cloud, high-speed internet - it all seems normal and we can't imagine everyday life without them. In woodworking, the same level of performance means CNCs, high-performance software, robotic arms, interconnectivity...
Sculpturi din lemn masiv realizate la Sovata ajung în toate colțurile lumii. Cristian Dan, administrator Statex, Sovata: „Piesele noastre merg în toată lumea, dar exportăm cel mai mult în Germania, Italia și Elveția, apoi Statele Unite ale Americii. Pentru noi, calitatea este pe primul...
The most common questions we receive from readers are related to how wood behaves outdoors and what should be done to make it as resistant as possible. The outdoor resistance of wood depends not only on the quality of the finishing materials used or the way they are applied...