At the Holz-Handwerk trade fair in Nuremberg, we had the opportunity to chat with Oliver Milde from Venjakob. Oliver introduced us to VEN SPRAY ONE, a compact painting machine designed especially for the needs of small painters and small businesses. The features and benefits of VEN SPRAY ONE, a...
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With a long history in the woodworking industry, the WINTERSTEIGER Group has established itself as a prestigious name in the field, offering advanced technological solutions that meet the ever-changing demands of the market. One such technology is thin-cut which brings high precision...
In the world of furniture and interior design, choosing the right material is crucial, especially in particularly humid spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms. One of the most popular materials used in these spaces is MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), which is...
Revista din Lemn a avut privilegiul de a realiza un interviu exclusiv cu Matthias Oetting, Head of Marketing al Hettich Group, în cadrul prestigiosului târg Holz-Handwerk de la Nürnberg, desfășurat în perioada 19-22 martie 2024. Evenimentul a fost ocazia perfectă pentru a explora ultimele...
BIFE-SIM 2024 va avea loc anul acesta în perioada 19-22 septembrie, iar organizatorii ne promit o schimbare majoră a evenimentului, aflăm dintr-un comunicat de presă primit de la Romexpo.  Într-un efort concertat de a aduce în prim-plan faima trecută a evenimentului, Asociația...